The difference between being a church attender and a church member is commitment. 参加教会和成为会员的分别在于有没有委身。
To which church family will you be joined as a functioning member? 你要加入哪个教会家庭作一个有功用的成员?
Come to the church and be a member of the community. 到教堂去,成为该团体中的一员。
Our Church By Law was online, please all the church member to read and proof it, we will approve and start to use the new by-law at next month annual "Membership meeting". 我们教会的会章已经放在网站中,请所有的会员注意阅读并提供意见,在下一个月的会员大会中我们将正式通过并采用新的教会会章。
A certificate under the hand of the chairman of the committee that any person therein named is a member of the said Wanchai church shall be accepted for all purposes as sufficient proof of the fact that such person is a member of the said Wanchai church. 就任何目的而言,委主席署的明,明明上所指名的人是上述仔堂的成,接受人是仔堂的成的事的充分明。
A SPIRIT-FILLED CHURCHWhat would it be like to be part of a church where each leader and every member is filled with the Spirit of God? 当一间教会里的领袖和信徒都被圣灵充满,而你又是当中一份子的时候,你想,你会有一个怎样的教会生活呢?
Church of England is uniquely related to the Crown in that the Sovereign must be a member of that Church and as "Defender of the Faith". 君主“国教的捍卫者”是此教会的一员,他在登基时承诺维持国教。
Therefore the pope suggested the ancestor place church member committee prepares the world youth date activity. 于是教宗建议宗座教友委员会筹办世界青年日活动。
She is active in her church, serving as a Vestry member and vice-chair for Grace Episcopal Church. 她积极参与她的教会,担任教区委员会委员与格雷斯美国新教圣公会副主席。
System of beliefs and church government of a Protestant denomination in which each member church is self-governing. 新教教派中各个教会享有自主权的教会政体和信仰体系。
That is for the recovery for Christ and the church with the sinning member. 就是要帮助犯罪的肢体尽快与基督及教会复和。
Even he is a member of the non-doctrinal Unitarian Church, prefers to refer to himself as non-theist rather than atheist, and refused to be interviewed for this piece. 就连他也是非教义的一神论教会(UnitarianChurch)的成员,更喜欢把自己称作非有神论者,而不是无神论者,而且拒绝就本文接受采访。
Grace Chinese Gospel Church is a member of the Associated Gospel Churches of Canada, an association of evangelical churches. 我们是属于福音派的加拿大福音堂联会。